Icon Box

Create and display an Icon Box element containing an icon, title description with different settings


Option nameDescription

Title Title text.
Description Description text.
Link Type Link type of the icon box.
The link Add a link here. For call to action button, title is used as anchor text.
Icon Type Type of the icon.
Image Icon Upload an Icon Image.
Select Icon Select an icon to display.
Shaped Background Icon? Display the icon in a shape with hover effects? Available only for icon fonts to control the hover color.
Icon Color Color of the icon.
Shape Background Color Background Color of the shape behind the icon.
Icon Hover Color Hover Color of the icon.
Shape Background Hover Color Hover background color of the shape behind the icon.
Icon Size Select the size of the icon.
Image Size Select the size of the image.
Icon Padding (Shaped) Select the size of the icon.
Box Alignment Alignment for the content inside the box.
Text color theme Choose text color scheme
Floated Style? Is the box left or right floated? Don’t confuse with alignment.
Title settings Specify the typography properties for the title.
Title first? Display the title first?
Description text settings Specify the typography properties for the description text.
Icon Opacity Select the opacity of the icon.
——- Hover Stage Points Use the feature to display a target point onto a Stage object element. First create the Stage element and customise it, then, copy the ID below.
Point Target Stage ID Copy the ID from the Stage element you want to add points to.
Point Coordinates This will add an animated dot onto the stage image with the X and Y coordinates you provide. In px add “x, y” coordinates – X being distance from left and Y distance from top.
Point Tootip Add a custom tooltip text. Leave empty if you don’t want to display a tooltip.
Appear on scroll? Start invisible and appear on scroll, when in viewport?
Delay appearance (milliseconds) Delay the appearance? If multiple icon boxes, you can delay each one to appear sequentially. The numbers are in milliseconds.




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