How to create your own page builder elements

In this article, we will go trough creating a custom pagebuilder element for Kallyas. Please follow the steps bellow:

  1. Activate your child theme
  2. Inside the child theme folder, create a new folder named “custom-elements” and inside it create your element folder “my-custom-element
  3. Inside the my-custom-element folder created earlier create a new PHP file in which the custom element code will be found ( for example “my-custom-element.php” ) and add the following code:

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {



class KallyasChild_MyCustomElement extends ZnElements {

     * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
     * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
    public function options() {

        // In case you need to dispay the unique id of the current element, you can use this variable
        $uid = $this->data['uid'];

        // Array containing options
        $options = array(

            'has_tabs' => true,
            'tab1_id' => array(
                'title' => 'FIRST TAB NAME',
                'options' => array(
                        'name' => __( 'Text', 'zn_framework' ),
                        'description' => __( 'Text option', 'zn_framework' ),
                        'id' => 'text',
                        'std' => 'The default value',
                        'type' => 'text',

                        'name' => __( 'Link', 'zn_framework' ),
                        'description' => __( 'Link option example', 'zn_framework' ),
                        'id' => 'link',
                        'std' => array(
                            'url' => '#',
                            'target' => '_self',
                            'title' => esc_html__( 'Click me', 'zn_framework' ),
                        'type' => 'link',
                        'options' => zn_get_link_targets(),
            'tab2_id' => array(
                'title' => 'SECOND TAB NAME',
                'options' => array(
                        'name' => __( 'Select option example', 'zn_framework' ),
                        'description' => __( 'option description.', 'zn_framework' ),
                        'id' => 'select_option_id',
                        'std' => 'option_key_1',
                        'type' => 'select',
                        'options' => array(
                            'option_key_1' => __( 'Option name 1', 'zn_framework' ),
                            'option_key_2' => __( 'Option name 2', 'zn_framework' ),

        return $options;


     * This method is used to display the output of the element.
     * @return void
    public function element() {
        $options = $this->data['options'];
        $classes = $attributes = array();
        $uid = $this->data['uid'];
        $classes[] = $uid;
        $classes[] = zn_get_element_classes( $options );
        $attributes[] = zn_get_element_attributes( $options, $this->opt( 'custom_id', $uid ) );


        <div class="<?php echo esc_attr( zn_join_spaces( $classes ) ); ?>" id="<?php echo esc_attr( zn_join_spaces( $attributes ) ); ?>">
            My element content



     * Output the inline css to head or after the element in case it is loaded via ajax request
    public function css() {

        $uid = $this->data['uid'];
        $css = "

            /** Your custom css here */


        return $css;


    public function scripts() {
        // Load scripts needed by this element by using wp_enqueue_script or wp_enqueue_style
        // You can access the current element directory using $this->getUrl('assets/js/custom-element-js.js')

     * Can render
     * @return boolean True/false if the element should render or not. Default is true
    public function canRender() {
        return true;

     * Can load
     * Checks if the element can be loaded or not. It is usefull if this element is depending on a different plugin and you need to check if that plugin is active
     * @return bool
    public function canLoad() {

        return true;

Now, you will need to register the element by adding the following code into the child theme functions.php file:
* Load Custom Elements

add_action( 'znb:elements:register_elements', 'kallyas_child_load_custom_elements' );
function kallyas_child_load_custom_elements( $zionBuilder ) {

    include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/custom-elements/my-custom-element/my-custom-element.php';

     * Register the element to the elements library
     * id: The unique element identifier
     * name: A name that will be visible in elements tab
     * level: - 1: Element can only be placed as full width
     * - 2: Element can only be placed in a section ( for example, the column element is a level 2 )
     * - 3: Element can be placed as full width or inside a level 2 element ( column )
     * category: The category in which the element is placed
     * keywords: Keywords that will help you find this element when searching the ELements tab

    $zionBuilder->registerElement( new KallyasChild_MyCustomElement( array(
        'id' => 'unique_element_id',
        'name' => __( 'VISIBLE ELEMENT NAME', 'zion-builder' ),
        'level' => 3,
        'category' => 'Content',
        'keywords' => array( 'scroll' ),
    ) ) );

Your element should be visible now by searching for the “VISIBLE ELEMENT NAME” inside the elements tab.

Helper functions and methods:#

zn_get_element_classes( $options ) : Will return the element css classes based on options
zn_get_element_attributes( $options = array(), “Custom ID” ) : Will return an array containing the element attributes based on options
zn_join_spaces( $array_to_join ) : Will join an array by spaces

Get saved values:#

In order to get a saved value from the options, you can use the following method:
$this->opt( ‘OPTION_ID’, ‘Default value in case the option is not set’ );