How to change fonts

The google fonts can be implemented in the template with the following code:

<link href=",400,500,600,700|Great+Vibes|Open+Sans|Montserrat:400,700|Playfair+Display" rel="stylesheet">

which is located in index.html file , inside the <head> tag. You can add a new font by adding a new | character preceded by the font name with the desired font weight like in the example below:

<link href=",400,500,600,700|Great+Vibes|Open+Sans|Montserrat:400,700|Playfair+Display|Raleway:400" rel="stylesheet">

Also the base font can be changed from app/css/scss/_vars.scss In this file, near line 28 you will find a variable called $font-family-base which has the default value: ‘Open Sans’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;