Folder structure

Template folder structure:

+-- app/
|   +-- css/
|   |    +-- scss/
|   |    +-- source-maps/
|   |    +-- template.css // compiled from scss
|   |    +-- ...
|   +-- fonts/
|   +-- images/
|   +-- js/
|   |    +-- script.js
|   |    +-- ...
|   +-- index.html
|   +-- form.php
|   +-- ...
+-- gulpfile.js
+-- package.json

Js folder

This folder contains various modules used by Dannys template:


Folder: app/js/date-time-pick/

This plugin is used for the reservation form.


Folder: app/js/isotope

This plugin is used for the blog archive page. It arranges the blog articles using smooth animations.

Revolution Slider

Folder: app/js/revslider

This plugin is used to create the main slider on the index.html page..


Slick slider

Folder: app/js/

This plugin is used to create responsive sliders inside your website. It is used for testimonials, shop single page sliders and related products sliders

Smooth scroll

Folder app/js/

This plugin performs a smooth scroll effect on your template.