Miscellaneous classes
Inside stylesheet css/template.css you can see there are lots of predefined classes.
There are also miscellaneous classes that do all sorts of stuff:
Height class presets:#
These height classes are all in pixels and they go from 10 to 10px, begining with 0 ending with 700px. These heights are generally added to the page-header block which will use your predefined height. The classes are:
Min Height: .min-200 { min-height: 200px !important;} .min-380 { min-height: 380px !important;} .min-330 { min-height: 330px !important;} .min-370 { min-height: 370px !important;} .min-400 { min-height: 400px !important;} .min-450 { min-height: 450px !important;} .min-500 { min-height: 500px !important;} .min-700 { min-height: 700px !important;} .min-820 { min-height: 820px !important;} Heights: .h-260 { height: 260px !important;} .h-320 { height: 320px !important;} .h-520 { height: 520px !important;} .h-545 { height: 545px !important;} .h-400 { height: 400px !important;} .h-500 { height: 500px !important;} .h-600 { height: 600px !important;} .h-625 { height: 625px !important;} .h-720 { height: 720px !important;} .h-760 { height: 760px !important;}