Js based components

Search domain (Google)#

In js/kl-scripts.js file around line 14 change with your website link.



Chaser menu#

In js/kl-scripts.js file around line 17 change with 1 or 0 if you want the chaser menu on.



In js/kl-scripts.js file around line 23 change with 1 or 0 if you want the sticky header on.



Scrollspy menu#

Especially for One Page layouts that has OnePage menu (Landing Pages)

In js/kl-scripts.js file around line 26 change with 1 or 0 if you want scrollspy menu on.



Search in js/kl-scripts.js file “Tweets in Footer” and change ID with yours.


If you don’t use twitter plugin we recommended to comment/delete this, to not load unnecessary resources to slow down your website.


Mailchimp newsletter#

This is an embeded form generated by Mailchimp application but customised for Kallyas template. You just need to change the action attribute to your own custom link.

For example the link looks like : http://my_hogash_list.us3.list-manage1.com/subscribe/post?u=9cbcf2e6a8sfgh56528&id=5544sdfe9da6

Get yours from your Mailchimp account.

Here’s an in depth tutorial here http://designshack.net/articles/css/custom-mailchimp-email-signup-form/ or from MailChimp on how it works http://kb.mailchimp.com/lists/signup-forms/create-signup-forms-and-response-emails .