HTML Markup
The HTML markup of the template’s pages follow this pattern:
--body -- #page_wrapper (wraps almost everything except side panels, popup windows, page preloader and other stuff like scripts or #totop button ) -- #header -- #page-slideshow (holds the slideshows of the page) -- #page-sub-header (this holds the head part of a page without Slideshow, but it's not mandatory to be present. Usually it's one of these 2, not both) -- section -- 9 columns - holds the content of the page -- 3 colums - holds the sidebar -- other sections (sections with various content, used mostly for homepages where it's a modular structure) -- #footer
This example doesn’t necesarily mean it’s this exact pattern however it’s the most common used. For example pages such as offline or coming soon have a different markup.
Other mentionable html markups are:
IE Chromeframe bar#
Used to display a top fixed bar in older IE browsers to help them make their life easier.
<!--[if lte IE 8]> <p class="chromeframe">You are using an <strong>outdated</strong> browser. Please <a href="">upgrade your browser</a> or <a href="">activate Google Chrome Frame</a> to improve your experience.</p> <![endif]-->
To Top button#
Classic go to top button. Just make sure not to change the id as it holds the styling but also js click event.
<a href="#" id="totop"></a>