How to use icon box

Style 1: centered

Style 2: inline

the markup for the icon box is:

<div class="ph-iconbox ">
  <div class="ph-iconbox__icon-wrapper">
   <span class="ph-iconbox__icon icon-BirthdayCake"></span>
  <div class="ph-iconbox__content-wrapper">
   <div class="ph-iconbox__title-wrapper">
    <h3 class="ph-iconbox__title">
   <div class="ph-iconbox__wrapper ph-iconbox__desc-wrapper">
    <p class="ph-iconbox__desc">Book a table for two with the best Italian dishes served for the anniversary. Or reserve a bigger one for a huge family to get together one sunny day. Gather your friends together</p>

The images use for icons are created with icomoon and with font-awesome.

the style of the icon box in in app/css/scss/elements/_iconbox.scss