Folder structure

Template folder structure:

+-- app/
|   +-- css/
|   |    +-- scss/
|   |    +-- source-maps/
|   |    +-- template.css // compiled from scss
|   |    +-- ...
|   +-- fonts/
|   +-- images/
|   +-- img-assets/
|   +-- js/
|   |    +-- src/
|   |   |    +-- plugins/
|   |   |   |    +-- eg: bootstrap.js
|   |   |   |    +-- ... 
|   +-- modules/
|   |    +-- masonry/ 
|   |    +-- slick/ 
|   +-- index.html
|   +-- about.html
|   +-- projects.html
|   +-- contact.html
|   +-- singlePage.html
|   +-- contactForm.php
+-- gulpfile.js
+-- package.json

Modules Folder#

This folder contains various modules used by Sarah template:



Folder: app/modules/Masonry

Masonry is a JavaScript grid layout library. It works by placing elements in optimal position based on available vertical space, sort of like a mason fitting stones in a wall.

It was used to accomplish the project photos gallery:

Slick slider

Folder: app/modules/slick

This plugin is used to create responsive sliders inside your website.



Folder: app/modules/Magnific-Popup

This plugin is used for images and video popup: