Changelog: Kallyas WordPress Theme
Fixed: Some plugins could not be installed
Fixed: Some demo content could not be installed
Improved: Reworked the entire connection between the theme and the API server
Fixed: The modal close button cannot be seen on mobile devices in certain conditions
Fixed: Post elements not working properly if a category is selected
Fixed: Show author info option not working
Fixed: Show related post option not working
Improved: Compatibility with PHP8.2
Improved: Renamed Logo size option to better reflect it’s usage
Fixed widget position option can cause fatal errors in certain conditions
Fixed cart items not appearing in certain coditions
Fixed: Removed console warning related to Google Maps loading method
Fixed PHP fatal error related to Stage Image Box element
Fixed edit with zion builder buttons not appearing in edit page screen
Fixed php notice related to google fonts
Improved PHP8 compatibility
Improved WooCommerce compatibility
Fixed Roboto font cannot be deleted from the admin panel
Fixed video box element YouTube video not auto-playing in Chrome version 66 and higher
Fixed self hosted video not autoplaying in chrome version +66
Improved pagination display on mobile
Fixed login message appears for comment form in certain conditions
Fixed compatibility with WordPress 5.5
Fixed datepicker not working properly in modal window
Fixed Mega menu options appears twice in certain conditions
Fixed editor not resizing in certain conditions
Added Printivity Demo
Added Marketing Agency Demo
Added Conference Demo
Added 404 Page Demo