Kallyas changelog
v4.7.0 (21 Nov 2016)#
- NEW! Added Architect Demo ( PREVIEW )
- NEW! Added Medical Demo ( PREVIEW )
- Added: Smart Areas as Mega Menu. Add page builder elements into Main menu’s dropdowns;
- Improved: Page builder columns placeholder;
- Improved: Social Buttons Widget;
- Improved: Added blank state for item in Grid photo gallery;
- Improved: Background position for section parallax;
- Improved: RTL Tweaks;
- Improved: Icon Options with bigger preview;
- Improved: Implemented srcset for portfolio archive sortable;
- Fixed: Smart Carousel element autoplay bug;
- Fixed: Page builder max_input_vars error in elements options;
- Fixed: Latest posts #2 styles;
- Fixed: multiple sortable portfolios on same page;
- Fixed: Column z-index on PB mode;
- Fixed: remove hardcoded translation from travel demo home page;
- Fixed: Social Icons’ Background Hover not being the Main theme color;
- Fixed: main color in custom menu element;
- Fixed: thumbs position from photogallery slideshow inside horizontal tabs;
v4.6.0 (3 Nov 2016)#
- Added: New, better Sample-Data Import system;
- Added: Agency Demo ( preview: http://kallyas.net/demo.php?d=agency )
- Added: Photographer Demo ( preview: http://kallyas.net/demo.php?d=photographer )
- Added: New header, style 14;
- Added: New mask for Top/Bottom sections edges;
- Added: New contact form style – Material;
- General fixes and improvements;
- Improved: Updated Revolution Slider to latest version;
- Improved: Added custom ID option for all Static content elements;
- Improved: Added numeric validation for contact form fields;
- Improved: Extended Countdown elements options and styling;
- Improved: Added breakpoint options for Grid IconBoxes;
- Improved: Stage ImgBox with custom points;
- Fixed: Topmask issue in sections;
- Fixed: OSX Smooth Scroll;
- Fixed: Vimeo background issues;
- Fixed: Sortable Portfolio “load more” links issues;
- Fixed: Issues with Title element’s default font family;
- Fixed: Icon grid boxes title order;
v4.5.1 (12 Oct 2016)#
- Fixed: PHP fatal error on some WordPress instances.
v4.5.0 (11 Oct 2016)#
- Added: New demo! Product Landing http://demo.kallyas.net/product-landing/
- Added: New demo! Wedding http://demo.kallyas.net/wedding/
- Added: New demo! Freelancer http://demo.kallyas.net/freelancer/
- Added: New demo! Watch Shop http://demo.kallyas.net/watchshop/
- Added: New demo! Jewelry #2 http://demo.kallyas.net/jewelry2/
- Added: New demo! Barber Shop http://demo.kallyas.net/barbershop/
- Added: New demo! Dash http://demo.kallyas.net/dash/
- Added: New demo! Education http://demo.kallyas.net/education/
- Added: New demo! Parallax http://demo.kallyas.net/parallax/
- Added: New demo! Portfolio Minimal http://demo.kallyas.net/portfolio-minimal/
- Added: “Animated Counter for number” element, as plugin bundled with Kallyas.
- Improvement: iOS Slider on Firefox
- Improvement: RTL Layout
- Improvement: Added simple fixed header option. Unlike Sticky header, the header will just stay fixed.
- Improvement: Video Background improvements. Dropped old browser polyfills.
- Improvement: Extended Theme Options Menu from WP Admin Bar to include subpages
- Improvement: 404 page can be made with the page builder
- Improvement: Added filter to hook on Sidebar class;
- Improvement: Added filter to hook on site-header’s class;
- Improvement: Added filter to hook on Blog-columns layout, number of columns;
- Improvement: Button element new underline style, hover color and spacing options;
- Improvement: Added more Schema.org rich snippets throughout the theme;
- Improvement: added option to disable smooth scroll on OSX;
- Improvement: Parallax background various tweaks;
- Improvement: Added portfolio image size option;
- Improvement: Added order option for all portfolio types;
- Improvement: Added “show title or description” in all portfolio types;
- Improvement: Added hash link for portfolio items in sortable portfolio;
- Improvement: Mega menu titles relative to custom fontsize;
- Improvement: ScreenshotBox element tweaks;
- Improvement: Custom menu element, added depth support for horizontal menu;
- Improvement: Latest posts #2 element, added more customisation options;
- Improvement: Tweaked static content product presentation element’s js;
- Improvement: Simple slider element, added responsive height options;
- Improvement: Portfolio item page’s share links popup window;
- Improvement: Grid image boxes element, added new styling options;
- Improvement: Contact form button, added size option;
- Fix: Contact form on IE11
- Fix: IOS issues with scroll to top button.
- Fix: Google Maps in tabs
- Fix: Side by side menu widget
- Fix: Slideshows fix for IE11;
- Fix: Attachments alt/title + WPML problem;
- Fix: Bestselling products query in Shop product presentation;
- Fix: Countdown element alignment;
- Fix: Inline Live editor various fixes;
- Fix: Static content event countdown multiple on a single page;
- Fix: CSS3 panels filters;
- Fix: Hide Smart area Footer from PB not working;
- Other general small fixes and improvements.
v4.4.0 (13 Sept 2016)#
- Added Live text rich editor!! You can now edit text on the fly without opening the options. Screencast: http://hogash.d.pr/UJZs .
- Added Page Builder Smart Areas for Product Archive pages ( eg: http://hogash.d.pr/1crib ).
- Added new element: Sticky Section (lite). It will attach to the bottom of the page and remain fixed.
- General small fixes and improvements
- Improved sidebar column size on small viewports
- Improvements for Skills bar element
- Improvement: Added new styling options for Contact form element
- Improvement: IosSlider videos tweaks
- Improvement: Added alignment for portfolio sortable menu
- Improvements for RTL styles
- Fixed slider resize with accordion
- Fixed Vertical Tabs error: Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
- Fixed parallax image zoom and added several tweaks
- Fixed permalinks problem for portfolio items
- Fixed Button element’s margins and paddings
- Fixed portfolio item sticky content
- Fixed Calendar CSS plugin
v4.3.0 (30 August 2016)#
- General fixes, code and performance improvements
- Added: Page CSS caching, now page builder CSS resources are loaded only if used;
- Added: Lots of improvements for Column element – Breakpoint for offsets, Width/Height/Background Color, margins and paddings ( http://hogash.d.pr/1aprq )
- Added: Object parallax effects for Column element, Smart Container, ImageBox, Title Element and Media container ( http://take.ms/GN3YI )
- Added: parallax effect to Media Container element
- Added: TweetBox Element
- Added: CSS3 Panels element new options, improvements and fixes
- Improvement: Added possibility to add internal links to page builder link option fields ( http://hogash.d.pr/1fjxw )
- Improvement: Smooth scrolling now has speed presets ( http://hogash.d.pr/NTSc )
- Improvement: Added unique id for buttons
- Improvement: RTL Grid Styles
- Improvement: Link toolbar for smart areas to link straight to their edit mode ( http://hogash.d.pr/137Mn )
- Improvement: Added site & section width options in percent %
- Fixed: WooCommerce product options lists to be displayed on separate rows
v4.2.0 (8 August 2016)#
- New! Added Import/Export system for elements
- New! Added New Shortcode system with better preview!
- Added: Gallery post format (styled as a slideshow)
- Added: Related portfolio items to portfolio pages
- Added: Margin/Padding fields in various core elements
- Added: List with icons element
- General fixes and improvements
- Improved: breakpoint control for Column offsets in Columns element
- Improved compatibility with other plugins
- Improved: CSS & JS now loading minified versions
- Improved: Added missing classes for default WP entries in post
- Improved: Price List element, added image thumbnail and tooltip
- Fixed: Iconbox’s live color on icon
- Fixed main navigation dynamic css
- Fixed: Portfolio image appears above the item content
- Fixed: Importing slider for Ares Construction demo
- Fixed: IosSlider scroll problem on mobiles
v4.1.6.1 (28 July 2016)#
- Improved Iconbox element
- Fixed portfolio sortable syntax error
- Fixed Pinterest sharing error
v4.1.6 (27 July 2016)#
- Added new demo: Vertigo – Fitness.
- Added new demo: Phaeton – Restaurant.
- Added new demo: Ares – Construction.
- Added: New sample data for Jewelry.
- Added: Smart Carousel element to scroll any page builder content
- Added: 5 and 6 columns for WooCommerce pages
- Added: custom ID posibility for sections
- Added: Styles for Event Calendar WD plugin
- Added: Styles for Bookly plugin
- Improved: Remove whitespaces from href attribute
- Improved: BBPress breadcrumbs
- Improved: Number of columns system for WooCommerce
- Improved: Buttons element on mobiles and tables
- Improved: Columns and element option toolbars in Page builder mode
- Improved: Grid photo gallery element – added image animations and color theme type
- Improved: Caroufredsel tweaks
- Improved: Contact form – added option to force dynamic sender (not reply-to address)
- Improved: Excludes the current viewed post from latest post query
- Improved: Custom element menu dropdown, click outside to close dropdown. Also now supports smoothscroll.
- Improved: Header 13 on mobiles
- Improved: UX on page builder. The page builder panel is closed to the bottom by default.
- Improved: Added custom keywords for elements to be found easier after other keywords too.
- Improved: Tweaked colors for up to 3 levels of smart containers
- Improved: UI for Vertical tabs in responsive mode
- Improved: Added thumb preview to smart select lists in theme options
- Improved: Added possibility to override meta viewport.
- Improved:Title Element – Added live support for font options-type
- Improved: Added text transform for font options-type
- Improved: Added play video button on mobile view, for elements using background video
- Improved: Service Box element – Added custom color
- Improved: Grid Icon Boxes element – Added hover background & text color options
- Improved: Added option in sortable portfolio, to link to “Live project” custom URL
- Improved: Captcha values trim
- Improved: Partners carousel element – Added timeout duration
- Fixed: “Use first attached” image not working for image caption
- Fixed: W3C Validator issues
- Fixed: titles break in saved elements tab
- Fixed: display issue for posts in Blog archive on multi-columns
- Fixed: NewsletterBox button styles
- Fixed: tax-rate text alignment in checkout page
- Fixed: Smart area – remains in DB
- Fixed: blog multi-columns in tabs
v4.1.5.1 (12 July 2016)#
- Fixed bug with sample data install.
v4.1.5 (11 July 2016)#
- Added support for Geo Directory plugin
- Added Radio field type to Contact form element
- Added option to set any number of products per page in WooCommerce Archive element
- Added letter spacing option for main menu
- Added underline active menu item style for main menu
- Added price list element
- Added option to force equal size in icon boxes
- Added colorpickers for custom menu element
- Added width and height attributes to images (generally)
- Added live editing support for Height option in Sections, MediaContainer and Spacer elements
- Added header 13
- Added new search form style – minimal
- Added custom options for header’s topbar
- Improved custom sender in Contact form element
- Improved – Removed the http scheme for Twitter widget
- Improved Sample data installation process
- Improved Post displaying video iframes
- Improved for Shop product page style #2 thumbnails
- Improved integration of Modernizr library
- Improvements for Tabs + Accordions with sliders and JS stuff
- Improved header custom height on rows
- Improvements and fixes for Newsletter Box element
- Improved Parallax display in Page builder mode
- Improved site header markup
- Updated revolution slider to 5.2.6
- Fixed bug with Coming Soon page
- Fixed Portfolio sortable load more button
- Fixed lightbox gallery in no-thumbnails circumstances
- Fixed “Show first gallery image on image hover “
- Fixed “Use first attached image” for Latest posts element
- Fixed issue with images in Devices element on tablets
- Fixed inline add to card shortcode
- Fixed custom fonts setup not working in SSL
- Fixed “Hide footer” option in page options for Smart area replacements
- Fixed Fancy slider first slide color
- Small General Fixes
v4.1.4 (21 June 2016)#
- Added new demo: Travel
- Added new demo: App Landing page
- Added Theme Options Import/Export functionality
- Added simple picture style in Image box
- Added section full height & custom height with vertical alignment
- Added better embedded videos (Youtube/Vimeo) in VideoBox element
- Added display by tag option in Shop Products Presentation element
- Added Mailchimp secure connection option
- Added Link portfolio media override in Portfolio Archive element
- Added outouch swipes for all caroufredsels
- Added tweak for portfolio archive to resize itself on change column and window resize
- Added permissions writable notice in /uploads/ folder
- Added simple cart icon style (with no text, just icon)
- Added simple text style button and new icon options in Button element
- Added header style 12
- Added stage Image box, new pointers style
- Added custom css gradient type in media element
- Improved get_post_media function to be overridden in child theme
- Improved ImageBox element
- Improved Mailchimp detailed information about connection status
- Improved MailChimp integration with Kallyas Contact Form
- Improved Theme-color meta tag with hook possibility
- Improved Media container element, added possibility for custom page builder content but also other improvements
- Improved pricing tables element
- Improved Video Box element to support multiple sources video player
- Improved modal window feature of sections
- Improved WooCommerce thumbnail gallery behaviour
- Improved same-name templates to be added in Page builder templates
- Improved Pinterest image SSL friendly
- Improved Coming soon page
- Improved shortcodes to work on header text
- Fixed affix for portfolio item page and switched affix condition to MQ rather than no-touchevents;
- Fixed empty header cart
- Fixed IOSslider slide link option
- Fixed “unrecognized expression” for menu items with complicated hash url
- Fixed for 3D Cute Slider
- Fixed Diagram for skills elem. and added sizing option type for diagram
- Fixed sticky post colors in default blog
- Fixed ImageBox and ImageBox2 not loading image title
- Fixes for WooCommerce images for automatic resize
- Fixed issues with One Page Navigation
- Fixed issues with alt and title attributes for images
- Fixed and improvements of Contact form element (with custom and dynamic sender)
- Fixed shortcodes to work in smart areas
- Fixed alternative font in dynamic css
- Fixes for blog columns
- Fixed Unlimited subheader title special characters
- Fixed the problem with product link in IE10
- Fixed fallback cover image for IE
- Fixes problem with Use first attached image option
- Fixed Grid photo gallery element in tabs
- Fixed Photo gallery album in tabs
- Fixed Grid layout mode, packery layout issues
- Fixes for Custom Subheader + Product item content combo
- Fixed Smart Areas multilanguage
v4.1.3 (26 Apr 2016)#
- Fixed fatal error on older PHP versions (causing issues when accessing Admin)
v4.1.2 (25 Apr 2016)#
- Improved Theme-Addons manager to work better with multisites
- Added Kallyas Child-theme to Theme-Addons manager
- Added credentials check for theme registration
- Improvement – Allow “Edit with page builder” button only to users with valid permissions
- Properly added the version number
v4.1.1 (25 Apr 2016)#
- Added new Theme Addons management system and removed TGM
- Added custom new custom text field for Historic element
- Added progress to Page builder template upload
- Added Revolution Slider import during sample data install
- Added back “hide desc” option in WooCommerce
- Added Contact form element – Timepicker format from WordPress options
- Added Contact form element – Datepicker language options
- Added z-index utility classes
- Added autoplay, loop & vposter to Media container embed video
- Added partial fix for Websafe fonts on Mobiles
- Added extra list styles
- Added Sticky header option for Page Layouts
- Updated Revolution Slider to latest version
- Fixes PHP notice when the $attachment_url was provided as an array and not string
- Fixed Actionbox text color on dark
- Fixed Topnav colors
- Fixed Cute slider issues
- Fixed rich snippets breadcrumbs for shop
- Fixed iosslider link wrapping img. (causing image to be hidden)
- Fixed sticky header + logo-contain
- Fixed WooCommerce columns not displaying properly on small screens
- Fixed diagram issues and added new option to change distance between circles
- Fixed small lint errors
- Fixed small error “headers already sent..”
- Fixes for Dark styles
- Tweaked “file_frame” in Page builder.
v4.1 (18 Apr 2016)#
ADDED (Major features):#
- Added New demo – ARES. An eCommerce oriented bundle of clean modern and classic design. See Demo.
- Added Page Builder Smart Areas. You can now Load, append or prepend a Page builder section with content, either on single / multiple pages or globally into the entire website, with only few clicks; Create custom Footers; Create custom Subheaders; Add Page builder content into the “Hidden panel” above the site header. Read more.
- Added new Page Layouts system. You can now override a page’s layout by overriding options from Kallyas options. Read more.
- Implemented new Template Export and Import system. Portability FTW!
- Added Widgets to Page builder. Now they can be added everywhere in the page.
- Added new SHOP Layout – “Modern” which contains new product archive/listings layout, product page layouts, general WooCommerce pages layout;
- Added new BLOG Layout – “Modern”;
- Added Header style 10 – minimal, spaced and clean design
- Added Header style 11 – centered Logo between Main menu navigation
- Added Post Formats for Blog posts
- Added – “Hide PB. element on devices” option (viewport breakpoint width)
- Added – Hide PB. element option when logged-in/guest user
- Added – Animation entry on scroll options for PB. elements
- Added custom width option for the website’s grid containers (which by default are 1140px). Stretch the website as much as you want to.
- Added Skill Bars element
- Added new style for “Added to cart” confirmation popup functionality
ADDED (Smaller but awesome new features):#
- Added Page Builder data to Post Revisions (max. 5)
- Added new style for Cart component in site-header
- Added new styles for Search component in site-header
- Added new styles for Language selector component in site-header
- Added new styles and options for Main navigation
- Added new styles and options for Default SubHeader in General options
- Added new breadcrumbs style in Subheader
- Added header search style selector
- Added button style option in contact form
- Added support for Portfolio Sortable to act as gallery, by opening images as gallery only (not linking to portfolio page)
- Added custom fonts upload mimes
- Added font-weight definition in custom fonts
- Added option to show excerpt in Latest posts 4 (default) element
- Added multiple layouts for Photo Gallery element (simple, slideshow with thumbs, photo album)
- Added image box title font settings
- Added Button element custom color option
- Added custom height option for Image Box element
- Extended custom theme rebranding support
- Added Custom container width option for Sections
- Added options to hide specific header components on mobile
- Added option to have different logo on mobile
- Added “action box” layout to Smart container element
- Added advanced page preloader options and animations
- Added Plain text field for Contact form
- Added “sold-out” badge for WC products
- Added new “Save / Save & Close” UI improvements for element options panels
- Added Live saving for templates and elements
- Added “Support panel” posibility as triggable from main menu
- Added integration with PostLove plugin
- Added 5 & 6 cols for Portfolio Sortable and Portfolio categories
- Added Android Chrome topbar color
- Added option to open single blog images with modal popup
- Added show images option to Latest posts 3 element
- Added Height and 2 / 4 items for Circular content carousel elements
- Added Google maps element Api Key optional field
- Added custom tag option for subtitle in Title Element
- Added option for bottom margin in Image Box element
- Added option for date format
- Added filter for heading tag in Blog archive
- Added text options for Button element
- Added alignment options for Custom menu element
- Added filter to override logo heading tag
- Added blog description to post archives
- Added date picker field to contact form
- Added centered icon for Separator element
- Added advanced header height options
- Added Portfolio Carousels columns option
- Added multi-columns styling for Search Results page
- Added font-size & font-family lists to WP Editor
- Added functionality for clear all elements in the page
- Added keywords for pagebuilder elements. Sections can also be searched by “row, block, container” or Title Element can be searched as “Headline, Heading”.
- Updated Revolution slider to
- General improvements and code cleanup
- Improvements for Page builder – Ctrl+S / Cmd+S for PUBLISH
- General improvements for Blog layouts (codebase, options, etc.)
- Improved theme and element options, displaying images/pictograms
- Improved SEO with Alt & Title attributes to Image tags
- Allow product categories to be selected in WooCommerce archive element
- Allow plugins to extend/override theme’s page builder elements
- Improved Subheader overidability and customisation
- Improved Deleting an element takes that was taking too long
- Tweak for font-family in dynamic css to wrap in quotes
- Improved sidebar grid positioning
- Grid photo gallery element improvements
- Optimized Blog default archive post image code
- Optimized blog date across layouts/styles
- Allow days from the Weather Box to be translated
- Optimized some slow queries
- Added recommended sizes in image-option fields description
- Improved compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier plugin
- Improved compatibility with Contact Form 7 plugin
- Improved Bottom Masks, moved markup to components for easy overidability
- Title element improvements, added letter spacing option
- Added background color fill for bottom masks
- Improved compatibility with both newer and older PHP versions
- General improvements for Media Container element
- Improvements and new options for Newsletter Box element
- Improvements and new options & styles for Social media group element
- Added options to override single page titles for posts and products
- All widgets can now be overridden by child theme
- Escape key support while element dragging
- Added PHP version to Kallyas Dashboard
- Contact form “send me a copy” checkbox
- Added Visual editor pentru Step Box 3 element
- Added transparent state while dragging options panels
- Allow clients to set the reply address manually in Contact Form element
- Added poster option for Iosslider embed iframe
- Added poster option for Section bg embed iframe
- Added poster option & embed iframe for Subheader Element
- Extend Shop Product Presentation element to include extra filters
- Grid photo gallery improvements (cover fit, alt attribute, gutter size)
- Color contrast tweaks
- Improved Header search form to WP standards
- Added stroke option for Iconbox element
- Prettified and restructured header styles codebase for better overidability
- Added image width option for sortable portfolio images
- Added image width option for grid photo gallery
- Confirm modals dirrectly with enter key
- Changed “back” selectors for responsive menu to allow child themes to extend it by adding a “close all” button
- Added WooCommerce plugin to theme addons
- Added swipe for screenshotbox carousel
- Improved parallax scrolling
- General fixes and improvements for performance, enancement and display;
- Small fix to section’s close button in modal mode
- Fixed title attribute for modal dynamic window (link target type)
- Fixes for chaser menu bugs (appearing over WP admin bar’s dropdowns, appearing in IE)
- Fixed extra closing div in Laptop slider (causing issues with the Page builder)
- Fixed PHP notices related to caching
- Fixed Posts Search (make the text inside page builder elements searchable)
- Fixed page title and subtitle display
- Fixed Portfolio Sortable’s Load more button problem with bigger images
- Fixed Showroom carousels height issue
- iOS Slider no fields for Embed videos
- Photo Gallery – Loop between multiple elements
- Blog post multiple columns issues
- Fixed missing “configure red notice” for image box element
- Fix Flickrfeed https warnings
- Fixed linked button in box-model field
- Embed shortcode in Textbox element
- Fixed problems with Grouped products
- Vertical tab not moving content fixes
- Fixed error “cannot modify headers” in ShopProductsPresentation element
- Fixes for Mailchimp widget
- Fixed bug with Youtube Video background
- Fixed iCarousel width/height cropping for custom sizes
- Fixes for Header problems with empty cells
- Fixes for Icarousel responsive
- Fixed user notifications for “Static content Text and Register” element
- Fixed twitter responsive issues
- Fixed numbers of forecast days in SC – Weather panel
- Accordion ID not generated properly
- Fixed Iosslider video controls
- Fixed height for portfolio carousels responsiveness
- Fixed fancy slider responsive issues
- Fixed Flexslider nav/bullets disable options
- Fixed Custom menu activates all items
- Fixes PHP Fatal Error
- Fixed documentation styles
- Fix for screenshot box not to start carousel if 1 item only
v4.0.11.2 / v4.0.11.3 (13 Apr 2016)#
- Fixed WP 4.5 bug causing multiple problems (eg: responsive menu, page builder not working etc.)
- Fixed Laptop slider (having extra closing div)
- Fixed Icarousel slider’s sizes
v4.0.11.1 (10 Feb 2016)#
- Fixed search notices/warnings
- Fixed Shop Products Presentation not displaying items from Latest and Best-selling tabs
- escaped title in iosslider captions
- Images in Devices element, mobile view
- Columns in icon boxes grid, mobile view
- Notice Undefined index: title
- Some slugs in “help” type fields in general options
- Fixed position of search panel dropdown on mobile
- Fixed missing category in breadcrumb
- Fixed product main image on hover, issue with srcset
- Fixed sortable portfolio ordering issue
- Fixed Mini-cart panel culoare text button
- Fixed portfolio slider glitch on mobiles
- Allow child theme to override the default login redirect url
- Prevent server caching for zn_dynamic.css
- Contact Form – refresh page after sending a message
- Retina Favicon. In v4.0.12 we’ll remove the Favicon option due to WordPress’s built-in favicon system ( Customizer > Site identity > Site Icon ).
v4.0.11 (4 Feb 2016)#
- Bug caused by menu, conflicting with Page builder.
- Automatic updates notifications not being displayed
- Weather script in Static content Weather element
- Icon shortcode
- Bug preventing removal of subheader styles
- Cart Panel view on mobile
- Header components misalignment on Iphone 6 (IOS)
- Small fix to mega-menu’s submenu when hovering
- Historic element date label position
- Show cart to visitors option
- Automatically re-center Google Map when changing from portrait to landscape view
- Default subheader is applied by default to Custom Subheader element
- Custom HTML bad formatting
- Header width (jumping to 1200 when viewport smaller than defined width)
- Modal image target bug
- Portfolio dynamic fields not being wrapped into list.
- General improvements to string translations
- Compatibility with Sensei plugin from WooThemes
- Improved URLs code with zn_extract_link() ensuring proper title display to URLs
- Removed WPK folder from theme and improved code distribution inside the theme
- Multiple options dependencies for options (framework)
- Added Modal Inline Dynamic type, pass title attribute to field in contact form (Good solution for passing a link’s title to a contact form. In a group of elements with links, one single modal form should be created and it’ll receive the dynamic title value )
- Magnific popup, simple class for links called “mfp-image” for triggering modal images.
- Theme translation files
v4.0.10 (01.27.2016)#
- Added: Options for search forms to search for WC products
- Added: Header width option
- Added: Header options available for all styles – Header position (relative/absolute), height, custom background styling, alpha-colored background
- Added: Custom dynamic rows for portfolio items
- Added: Extra options for Sortable portfolio – Load more button, show/hide toolbars or item description, sort type options
- Added: Rgba support for colorpickers
- Added: New Call To Action style – Custom all-styles-available & dynamic (up to 3 buttons)
- Added: Icon support for tabs nav
- Added: Option to debug contact form easily
- Added: Option for Custom Subheader element to inherit Height & Padding from “Unlimited header” style
- Added: All bottom masks for default subheader style and unlimited subh.
- Added: Added and improved existing page options, with custom code (HTML, CSS and JS)
- Added: Margin & padding options for custom container
- Added: Custom styling for YITH Ajax navigation plugin
- Added: Multiple columns display for blog posts (in blog post page)
- Added: Language selector multiple styles
- Added: Register button in header and other options
- Added: Very simple style of Team member element
- Content being added to Horizontal & Vertical tabs always going to Tab #1
- WooCommerce Archive element – 3 columns float problem
- One-page demo layout – All menu items have active class
- iCarousel display
- Search page sidebar problems
- Column options not visible in horizontal tabs element
- Prevent “division by 0” notice when there is no regular price set
- Content checks for Infocard (Logo)
- Modals in responsive menus
- Contact form small issues
- Subheader component fixes and improvements
- Sample data importing not working on PHP7
- Search query – now properly accepting portfolio items but also other post types added with or without page builder
- Fixed statistics element odd/even placement
- Breadcrumb doesn’t display SHOP nor BLOG
- Sliding top panel when scrolling page with sticky header
- Flickr feed widget limit option
- Custom CSS saving issues
- Sale amount option problems
- Support for Youtube short url
- Equalizator spacing padding for boxed layout
- Fixed light/dark colors for elements.
- Sidebar titles if using “special characters”
- Refactored entire CSS, improved it and selectors quality.
- Re-built entire header part of the theme, now overridable and much more easier to customize in child-theme, through file override or hooks.
- Spelling errors
- Allowing the Flash Sale badge to be overridden in the child theme
- Cute Slider plugin, better resources management
- Kallyas Dashboard with Server data & recommendations
- Switched custom container’s bg to alpha colorpicker
- Set the modal ajax url to always use the framework variable
- Grid image gallery element to prevent isotope load on demand (adding “stop-isotope” custom class to element)
- SSL improvements and compatibility issues
- RTL layout improvements
- Improved page title customizability through filter in child theme
- Added max-height for Cart Pop-up to prevent scrolling issues with sticky header
- Code quality for Theme Check plugin
- Google fonts list
- Updated EN language files
- Revolution Slider
- Featured boxes page builder element (use icon boxes elements)
- Infobox page builder element (use custom section and buttons element)
- Services boxes page builder element (use Service box page builder element)
- Shop features page builder element (use section and icon boxes instead)
- Static content page builder element (use section with video background instead)
- “zn_active_item_classes” function
v4.0.9 (12.15.2015)#
General improvements and tweaks:#
- Added: Kallyas Dashboard and new Setup tour, containing Dummy/Sample data import, Theme update setup and other features
- Added: One Page Demo
- Added: Better color management and dark skin styles for theme and individual page builder elements
- Added: New element – Custom Menus, providing ability to add a menu anywhere
- Added: New element – Custom HTML (accepting CSS and JS too)
- Added: New element – Countdown
- Added: options to hide the header and footer
- Added: option to override Boxed layout
- Improved: Multiple targets types (smooth scroll, modal image, modal iframe etc.) for all elements using a link anchor
- Improved: WooCommerce products, new Option to hide sale badge
- Improved: custom color for bottom masks
- Improved: Print styles
- Improved: Added embed iframe source for IosSlider element
- Improved: Dynamic lists now have image previews on hover
- Improved: Register/Forgot password system, now WooCommerce friendly
- Improved: CSS3 Panels elements option to disable css flexbox
- Improved: Login/Register panels UI and UX
- Improved: Testimonials slider/fader now have autoplay options
- Improved: New option to override Page’s Title font-family options
- Improved: New option to scroll pricing tables horizontally on responsive devices
- Improved: added link anchor option to Steps boxes 4
- Improved: More options and customisations for Shop Presentation element
- Improved: Language files
- Improved: CSS animation for Product Action buttons
- Improved: Yoast SEO compatibility
- Improved: Added option for menu depth (limit) to Side by Side Menu Widget
- Improved: Page builder switched to Barebone for better performance and speed
- Improved: Footer nav to accept 2nd level
- Improved: Font icon archive uploading
- Improved: Added hash url’s for tabs
- Improved: Added option to choose the re-captcha language
- Improved: Contact form and re-captcha usability issues
- Improved: Auto adding elements to newly created pages
- Improved: autoplay option for Recent work carousel
- Improved: Contact form new option – use sender’s email address to reply (dynamic)
- Improved: Google maps custom centering coordinates
- Fixed: Search products not finding products
- Fixed: function call throwing fatal error in coming soon page
- Fixed: Safari gradients and mask bugs
- Fixed: Page options override theme options
- Fixed: Social icons in coming soon page
- Fixed: Several bugs caused by the CSS calc() property
- Fixed: Subheader default style when none is selected
- Fixed: Nivoslider autoplay
- Fixed: TinyMCE throws error when the user disables rich editing for his account
- Fixed: Woocommerce columns on 768px
- Fixed: Revolution slider not working when option title had spaces
- Fixed: Twitter widget insecure content
- Fixed: Flickr widget loading
- Updated: Revolution Slider to 5.1.4
v4.0.8.1 (11.13.2015)#
Sorry for the short notice update, we felt 4.0.8 was a bit incomplete
- Added: “None” as option for several elements that are using Subheader Styles. ( Note: for those that had animated sparkles option in the Default subheader option, you will either have to select “None” in the element, or simply go to Kallyas options > General Options > Default subheader and disabled Animated sparkles )
- Added: Shortcode for current year (for example to be used in copyright text, eg [ht_year] and it will always display the current year )
- Added: Styles for multi-level StepByStep menu in Footer
- Updated: Revolution slider to latest 5.1.1
- Fixed: Horizontal tabs not saving content in certain circumstances
- Fixed: Shop presentation element’s navigation arrows were over the Sticky menu
- Fixed: Misspelled words in the Kallyas options – options.
v4.0.8 (11.13.2015)#
General improvements and tweaks:#
- Added: CSS Class field for all elements
- Added: Scroll-spy functionality to assist one-page layout
- Added: French translations
- Added: Footer menu navigation (near copyright area)
- Added: Display discount amount in sale badge in WooCommerce products
- Added: HELP tabs for elements, that contain links to video tutorial and documentation
- Added: HELP section in Kallyas options, that contain links to video tutorial and documentation
- Added: Support for Section element to become a hidden modal window
- Added: Multiple target options for Call to Action in header (can now link to a modal window)
- Added: Multiple target options for other elements
- Added: Newsletter Box element that displays a newsletter form in various styles
- Added: Extra options for footer area and also visual improvements in options
- Added: Social Icons (Group) Element (will display a list of social icons with various options and styles)
- Added: More error messages to icon font option (for better debugging)
- Added: Deprecated warnings for certain set of elements that will be removed in the future
- Added: Autoplay & Timeout duration for Shop Products Presentation element
- Added: Position option for Google map’s direction box
- Added: Skewed background option (color and image) for Section element
- Added: Redirect to link after Contact form is sent
- Added: Option to disable TopNav Dropdown (located in General options > Navigation options)
- Improved: RTL Styles
- Improved: Extended main menu to support modal magnific popups
- Improved: Added Unique ID for all elements (that didn’t have)
- Improved: Page builder Drag Bar becomes bigger on hover
- Improved: Facebook integration
- Improved: Prettyfied alerts for Contact form element
- Fixed: Sub-Headers fixes
- Fixed: General validation fixes
- Fixed: Page builder element saving, prevents refresh on enter key
- Fixed: Saving content for saved templates
- Fixed: Page Builder elements were not found in Search
- Fixed: Anchors in main menu to also navigate between pages
- Fixed: Single project button not being displayed
- Fixed: Removed duplicate fb-root div
- Fixed: WooCommerce catalogue mode also general improvements
- Fixed: Registration form in “Static content – Text and register” element
- Fixed: Header Style9 hovers correctly
- Fixed: IosSlider’s fixed width on small devices (added extra option to choose relative height)
- Fixed: Portfolio Slider element’s height
- Fixed: Accordion, Vertical tabs and Horizontal tab issues with page builder
v4.0.7 (10.27.2015)#
- Subheader now has devices breakpoint options for Height and Top / Bottom padding
- Vertical Tabs now uses Page builder elements
- Accordion element now uses Page builder elements
- Added option to disable dragging for Iosslider
- Added extra checks for theme version check
- Improved PHP Code Element
- Improved Mega Menu compatibility with WP
- Improved framework so we can add modules dynamically
- Improved the update system
- General small improvements and cleanups
- Fixed No Comments text translatable
- Fixed social links URL’s are now translatable trough string translation
- Fixed problem with “Use first attached image” feature
- Fixed blog archive element not showing posts properly
- Fixed Recent Work 2 was not showing category/s that were chosen
- Fixed Newsletter widget problem now showing correctly in the sidebar
- Fixed active item/category for portfolio sortable’s menu
v4.0.6 (10.23.2015)#
- Option to choose the background color for Steps Box Element
- Autoplay option for Partners element
- Page builder icons for all elements
- Multiple receivers for Page Builder Contact Form (split by comma)
- “Support” custom edit field in Kallyas options > Hidden panel
- HoverBox extra color options for both active and hover states
- Pricing table features column option
- Pricing table option with just 1 single column
- “Active” selectable button for Sortable portfolio’s menu
- Option to have Horizontal Tabs with Page Builder elements inside their panes
- Print stylesheet
- RTL Stylesheet
- General improvements and very small fixes
- Grouped elements on categories
- Smooth-scroll script
- Theme version is saved by theme id rather than name
- Header options (in Kallyas option) restructured with now a separate sheet of options ( Call to action and Infocard )
- Theme Screenshot
- Pricing table translatable “most popular” text
- Smooth-scrolling for custom hash links and IOS Slider element
- Passing a forced sidebar layout and ID
- Contact Form sending mails peculiarly
- Page Builder empty icon not displaying properly when editing an empty page
- Latest posts carousel element not showing the full images
- “Use first attached image” option
- Custom css saving to template saving
- Display of Alternative blog not having any posts
- Function call to be compatible to most servers
- Fixed page-subheader height sticked to default subheader style
- Error when the twitter widget was not displayed
- Google map element displays element id instead of the title
- Fatal error when adding the Product Item Content element
- Hoverbox center layout
- Styled “how many per page” select list in WooCommerce
- Scrolling Parallax image in section
- “Header over Slideshow” option was mis-used in combination with Header Style 7
- Static content – Text and Video element’s infopop button styles
- Steps Box element multiple small problems (bg. color, custom height)
- Page options not saving the Hide Page Subheader option properly
- Problem with Shop page options that didn’t override Theme options
- Issues with Recent Work element on Fixed-width or Full-width sections
- WooCommerce Layered Nav not displayed/working properly with the theme
v4.0.5 (10.08.2015)#
- Custom JS field in advanced options (use it wisely!)
- Save options button at the bottom of theme option page
- Custom fonts uploader in theme options
- Extra settings for Unlimited Subheaders (Custom height, Custom paddings, Advanced background image settings)
- Smooth scroll target links for buttons element and action box
- Section background-image scrolling parallax effect
- Prevent resize function from manipulating gif images
- Data conversion general fixes ( Preserve social icons colors, blog archive content to excerpt, subheader display, prevent creation of empty icons )
- Use template include instead of template redirect
- General framework data handling
- General code cleanup
- Modified the entire Install/update/convert system
- Added extra check for coming soon social icons
- WooCommerce body classes usage (fully switched to simply .woocommerce)
- Stopped the image resize making the images bigger
- VT resize now works when you move your uploads directory
- Prevent pages from showing empty HTML tags when no image is set
- Twitter widget oAuth
- Custom css not writing the css file
- Custom height option for default subheader style
- Recent posts widget
- Style 9 Header Logo size issues
- Date format now uses the user options from DB
- Twitter widget carousel fader
- Page builder content is now hidden on password protected posts/pages
- Recent Work #3 is now properly showing items from the selected category
- Static Content Default display of empty infobox
- Captions are now visible for images gallery
- Improvement on Dummy Data Installation
- Contact form not working on certain server setup
- Product image change on hover
- Glyphicon library different type of using it, due to conflicts with other icon libraries (eg: FontAwesome)
- Checkout button display in cart panel
- Product description display for multiple paragraphs
- Small bug on group option items
- Removed empty whitespace when product is without description
- Display of a single item in limited shop carousel
- Page Builder layout shrinking issue
v4.0.4 (09.29.2015)#
- “Set in theme options” value for the hide sub-header in page options
- Default template when editing the shop page for the first time with pagebuilder
- Ability to edit the blog archive page with pagebuilder
- Option to choose what type of content to display on blog archive pages
- Option to disable the compact style in portfolio single page
- Main-navigation submenus – prevention for exiting viewport
- Option to choose custom image sizes for recent works element
- Anchor Point Element for generating an empty element with an unique ID that can be used as an anchor point
- Cute slider to fix widget notice
- Cute slider to resolve SSL errors and made it SSL-friendly
- Hidden WooCommerce page-builder elements in WooCommerce is not installed
- Theme convert system to add WooCommerce archive element on shop pages
- Added extra checks for comments opened in pages
- Static content text and register : A notice appears to inform about the global user registration option
- Improved compatibility with W3 total cache plugin
- Portfolio sticky description
- Dummy data import process
- Image resize functionality improvements
- Google Maps element code checks
- General improvements and tweaks to Icon Manager
- Sticky header + relative header and no subheaders
- Padding siteheader + site-content top padding
- WordPress Gallery displays in lightbox only the first row of images
- Error displayed on Addons page on older php versions
- Side by side menu widget not displaying proper menu
- WooCommerce “more” button appearing twice in certain scenario
- Portfolio PB element pagination not working on frontpage
- Chaser menu appearing always on pages with no sub-header
- Header navigation display on smaller devices and for classic header styles
- WooCommerce cart-widget displaying sidebar
- Refresh Page-builder data upon plugin deactivation
- Better functionality for WooCommerce product images hovering
- SSL compatibility for admin
- Social icons on coming soon hide not working
- Submenu placed under sub-header bottom mask
- Map can be dragged on Windows Surface Pro
- Firefox page-builder window problems
- Shop Archive element which resulted in an infinite loop in a normal page
v4.0.3.1 (09.22.2015)#
- Dynamic css now regenerates after theme update
- Responsive header (480px and lower) text color & background color options
- Contained logo for all header styles to display properly
- plugin installed check
- Sticky Header in combination with Boxed Layout
- Revolution slider update link
v4.0.3 (09.21.2015)#
- Ability to use the pagebuilder for the WooCommerce archive page
- Option to make an accordion element toggle
- Main image of a shop product is changed when you hover over it’s thumbnails
- Option to choose currency symbol for pricing tables
- Option to choose what sub-header style you want to use for pages, posts, products and portfolio items
- Option to show header above sub-header
- Tabs button alignment ( left, center or right )
- Option for vertical image position in Ios Slider
- Option to disable the product second image on hover
- Autoplay option for Laptop slider
- Option to select an icon font for features boxes 2
- Option to hide the related posts
- Info tooltips for pagebuilder group options
- Option to hide author info on single blog post
- Options to show the portfolio extra content when using category 1 column
- FitVids applied rules
- Added a padding for logo when using the contain in header option
- Small WooCommerce display tweaks in different languages
- Improved compatibility with nextgen gallery plugin
- Accordion element and shortcode
- Removed forced uppercase for menu items
- Latest posts 4 : Will display all posts when no category is selected
- Latest posts 4 display
- Improved WPML compatibility
- Small improvements for Firefox browser
- Under the hood tweaks
- Improved WooCommerce shortcodes display in pagebuilder edit mode
- Added missing text to translation files
- Display style for “What you can read next” for posts without images
- Added warning message when older TGM version is installed on the server
- Replaced author name with the name selected in the user options for blog posts
- “Edit with pagebuilder” button will only display when you previously edited the page with pagebuilder
- Vertical tabs responsive style
- Top header navigation style
- Js error for Ios Slider update
- Laptop slider navigation arrows not displaying
- Last CSS3 panel not showing in responsive display
- Ios slider fixed position display
- Header display when using boxed layout
- Revolution slider to latest version
v4.0.2 (09.15.2015)#
- Button to refresh the pagebuilder cache files
- Option to choose the latest posts 4 – style 2 font size for title
- Small firefox related tweaks
- Improved main color not applying to several elements
- 404 page display
- Menu items don’t have forced capitalization
- Compatibility with Yoast plugin
- Dummy data import compatibility with older PHP versions
- Accordion shortcode
- Twitter widget code
- Latest posts 4 pagebuilder element
- Revolution slider plugin
- Customizer link not working
- Left sidebar not working properly
- Users could register even if the option was set not to register
- Menu font not applying to submenus
- Portfolio archive Pagebuilder element not using the selected category
- Vertical tabs display on extra small viewport
v4.0.1 (09.11.2015)#
- Option to select the default Shop page sub-header
- Fitvids library
- Recent work element display in Firefox
- Visual editor problems in Firefox
- Convert system stuck during conversion
v4.0 (09.09.2015)#
Added Front-end pagebuilder#
You can now edit all your pages directly from front-end. No more page reloading when creating your site page. View your changes directly .
- Added Font icons
- Added font icons uploader
- Added Frontend pagebuilder
- Added Selectbox for contact form fields
- Added Chekbox for contact form fields
- Added option to hide the add to cart buttons for visitors
- Added Mega menu
- Added new options for CSS3 panels element
- Added more options to Google maps element
- Added options for choosing the blog sidebar
- Added featured image for pages
- Added new responsive menu
- Added more details to header cart
- Added new header styles
- Added new styles for actual elements
- Added video background options for various elements
- Added new Google Re-captcha system to contact forms
- Added option for WooCommerce to show cart only for registered members
- Added option for WooCommerce to load images after the page loads ( Lazy load )
New Elements#
- Devices images
- Big social element
- Media Container
- Section element
- Column element
- Custom container element
- Grid Photo Gallery
- Icon Box
- Grid Icon Boxes
- Recent work 3
- Search Box
- Stage ImageBox
- Static content – Reservation Form
- Static content – Weather Box
- Statistics Boxes
- Steps Boxes 4
- Title Element
- Partners & Testimonials Element
- Spacer Element
- Custom container Element
- Page content
- Post content
- Product item content
- Portfolio item content
- Blog archive
- Portfolio archive
- Updated Bootstrap to v3
- Updated Revolution slider
- Improved Dummy data install
- Replaced FlexSlider with FredCaorousel ( backend change )
- Combined Google maps elements into a single element
- Improved WooCommerce compatibility
- Optimized sidebars globally
- Optimized portfolio code
- Improved theme addons admin page
- Improved Shop Product presentation element
- Improved Shop Limited offers element
- Improved CSS3 Panels element
- Improved sub-header sparckles system
- Improved Google Fonts setup options
- Improved Sidebar options from admin panel
- Improved Dummy data import system
- Improved Custom CSS advanced option
- Improved Page/post options
- All known bugs
- Removed enable page comments option
- Removed portfolio carousel, portfolio sortable and portfolio category PageBuilder elements
3.6.10 (06.25.2015)#
- Fixed/Updated PrettyPhoto to latest version due to security vulnerability
- Fixed a bug with custom header
- Fixed menu when there’s the WP-admin bar (or user logged-in)
- Better WP 4.2+ compatibility
3.6.9 (04.06.2015)#
- Added: option to set height for default header
- Forms could not be submitted
- Product images not showing up
- Sidebar not showing up in Product page
3.6.8 (04.01.2015)#
- Created new page builder element: Latest Posts Carousel
- Replaces the old loupe plugin with a better one
- Dismissible link is now displayed as a small button in admin notification for CuteSlider plugin
- Custom header options not applied
- Shortcodes button not showing up in wp-editor
- Page/post comments location
- Start Slider after header area not applying the setting properly
- Fixed the Countdown script on Coming Soon page
- Fixed various small issues across theme
3.6.7 (03.24.2015)#
Adding search in Page Builder elements Display upsales if any, on single product pages
- Fixed issue with Shop Presentation Element
- Added missing fb script for link button
- Fixed issue when page subtitle was not shown
- Fixed partially broken footer layout when small content was set to Contact Widget
3.6.6 (03.19.2015)#
- Problems when not using WooCommerce plugin
- Theme widgets not appearing in Appearance > Widgets menu
3.6.5 (03.18.2015)#
- Possibility to choose a Custom Header in Category
- Hidden Panel Sidebar options to set the background and font color
- Added new WooCommerce option to set the number of Products per page
- Titles can now be links in the CSS3 panels
- Added Kallyas Option as a menu item in the wp admin bar
- Added color choosing option for call to action button in header
- Added Clone button for elements in Page Builder
- Added a new theme option to help users collect debug information
- Better organizing the scripts and stylesheets loading
- Fixes issue when the Custom Header was not applying the custom height
- Fixes issue with pagination in Portfolio Element
- Fixes issue with the Login/Register popup from page header
- Fixes issue with page title across various pages
- Fixes issue when the same id was assigned for multiple sidebars
- Fixes textbox compatibility for Firefox
- Fixes Cute 3D Slider issue on IE 11
3.6.4 (02.26.2015)#
- Fixed translation issue in zn-meta-box.php
3.6.3 (02.26.2015)#
- Feature: Add hover box and button for logo / header
- Feature: Add new theme option to hide social icons from header
- Feature: Added new dependency functionality in the Theme Framework
- Feature: Properly update the layout of the Shop Page when Sidebar is shown or not
- Improvement: Replaced popup functionality for Page Builder elements
- Improvement: Replaced on/off buttons from Theme Options page
- Improvement: Replaced Save Settings button from Theme Options page
- Improvement: Theme Options page UI
- Improvement: Visual editor integration with TextBox element in Page Builder
- Improvement: Various Page Builder elements’ UI and functionality
- Improvement: Theme Options page is now fully translatable
- Improvement: Page Builder elements are now fully translatable
- Fix: Service box layout when using big images
- Fix: Action box height on page load when used with ios Slider
- Fix: Related products now show up one next to each other in Cart page
- Fix: Particular user issue when the checkout button was overflowing the container
- Fix: Various WooCommerce 2.3.0 issues
- Fix: Contact Form and Yoast plugins integration
- Updated: Translation files(.mo & .po)
3.6.2 (02.10.2015)#
- Improved: Yoast SEO plugin compatibility
3.6.1 (02.10.2015)#
- Added: Option to show comments before page builder elements
- Added: WordPress Visual editor option for the text box page builder element
- Added: ALT tag was missing for some images
- Added: Call to action button in header. Can be configured from General options > Header options
- Added: RTL support
- Updated: Revolution slider to the last version
- Tweak: Dark style for WooCommerce pages
- Tweak: Styled radio toggles in admin area for better visibility
- Tweak: Product image display
- Improved: Yoas compatibility
- Improved: Internet explorer display
- Improved: WPML compatibility
- Improved: HTTPS compatibility
- Fixed: Portfolio sortable display for 4 columns
- Fixed: Woocommerce quantity selector appears twice on Firefox
- Fixed: Theme options doesn’t save in specific situations
- Fixed: Iframes display in modals
- Fixed: All togles triggered at the same time on specific server configuration
3.6 (03.04.2014)#
- Added: Laptop slider is now responsive
- Added: Portfolio slider devices are now responsive
- Tweak: Woocommerce pagination style
- Tweak: Woocommerce appearance in responsive view
- Fixed: Accordion page builder element was open at page load
- Fixed: Buddypress – Username appeared at top of the page when viewing a user profile
- Fixed: Facebook like box was appearing improperly in certain conditions
- Fixed: Submenu width was improperly calculated in certain conditions
- Fixed: Features element icon alt tag when using HTML tags in title field
- Fixed: The page doesn’t refresh after user log-ins
- Fixed: Improper alingment of Step box 2 page builder element
- Fixed: Header styles not applying
- Update: Updated revolution slider to latest version (4.2+)
3.5 (02.14.2014)#
- 2 new header styles
- New pagebuilder element: Static content – Simple text. This element can be used to place a custom slider shortcode/content inside the subheader area
- New option for the mailchimp newsletter for changing the “JOIN NOW” text
- Each page builder row has a new css class
- Added new option for the accordion shortcode to choose the default state on page load ( open/closed )
- Tweak: Various SEO improvements
- Tweak: Accordions works in tabs shortcodes
- Tweak: Shortcodes can now be used inside Testimonial slider
- Tweak: Optimized Twitter widget
- Tweak: Recent works page builder element
- Tweak: Fixed Cute slider not working in IE11
- Tweak: You can now use multiple testimonial elements on the same page
- Tweak: Changed how the tabs shortcode works
- Tweak: Portfolio carousel pagination pagebuilder element now works on Frontpage
- Tweak: Update Woocommerce theme files for version 2.0.14
- Tweak: Replaced theme color picker with WordPress default one
- Tweak: Optimized options description in backend
- Fixed: Error received when using Custom header module
- Fixed: Wrong link in Static 10 pagebuilder element
- Fixed: Parallax effect doesn’t work on a page if is choosed as Blog Page
3.4 (09.27.2013)#
- Added: Support for BuddyPress ( only normal color style )
- Added: Shortcode support for testimonials slider page builder element
- Added: New field ( media name ) that will only appear in the single portfolio item edit page
- Tweak: Blog post image is hidden if the post is password protected
- Tweak: Blog post image alt tags ( normal layout )
- Tweak: Widget mailchimp performance
- Tweak: Reply form display
- Fixed: Menu flickering in Firefox
- Fixed: Color picker for Fancy slider doesn’t work
- Fixed: Small display issue on Tabs element on small screens
- Fixed: Google fonts options not appearing in certain circumstances
- Fixed: Testimonial Fader not showing author name in certain circumstances
- Fixed: Coming soon page display on smaller screens
- Fixed: Woocommerce checkout page not fully responsive
3.3 (09.20.2013)#
- Added: Yelp! icon to social icons
- Added: Full support for BBPress
- Added: Page builder with sidebar on the same row works for blog posts now.
- Added: Ability to use shortcodes in action box.
- Added: Ability to use shortcodes in accordion page builder elemet.
- Added: Ability to use shortcodes in the Circle text box page builder element
- Added: New option for the photo gallery to choose the images height
- Added: New option for the accordion page builder element to select each accordion default state ( opened/closed ) on page load
- Tweak: Optimized Memory usage
- Tweak: Changed the breadcrumbs icon from default red to the main color.
- Tweak: Improved compatibility with SEO by Yoast
- Tweak: Password protected pages will also hide the page builder elements
- Tweak: Small CSS change for the layout of Vertical tabs element on mobile browsers
- Tweak: Small display issue for the latest posts 4 page builder element
- Fixed: Resolved contact form message not appearing after submitting the forum.
- Fixed: Multiple screenshoot boxes not working on the same page
- Fixed: Google map controls appears distorted
- Fixed: Pagination doesn’t appear for Portfolio Carousel page builder element
- Fixed: Mobile menu appeared when the responsive features were disabled
- Fixed: iOS slider doesn’t work on Default blog page
- Removed: price.php from woocommerce folder
- Removed: short-description.php from woocommerce folder
- Removed: title.php from woocommerce folder
3.2 (09.12.2013)#
- Added: Re-Captcha field to contact form
- Added: New feature to make backup/restore of the theme’s options. You can find this option inside the advanced tab from the admin panel
- Added: Shop Products Presentation – You can now choose the desired titles for the “Latests products” and “Best selling products” tabs
- Added: Instagram social icons to the social icons list
- Added: Slideshare social icons to the social icons list
- Added: Compatibiliy with Post types order plugin for sortable portfolio
- Tweak: Video box – the title will appear above the video if no image is set
- Tweak: Removed “WordPress” word from emails received after contact form was submitted.
- Tweak: You can now place shortcodes into the “list” shortcode
- Tweak: Seoworkers.com not seeing two or more keywords combination
- Fixed: Link Portfolio Media options works on all portfolio sortable pages
- Fixed: Twitter button not displaying when using the Social buttons widget
- Fixed: Multiple Shop limited offers on the same page
3.1 (09.12.2013)#
- Added: Nivo slider – option to select the manual or automatic slider transition
- Added: Nivo slider – Option to select the slider pause speed when using automatic transition
- Added: Link to support forum inside the admin panel
- Added: Link to online documentation inside the admin panel
- Tweak: Swithced from the PHP mail function to WordPress Mail function
- Tweak: Testimonials slider HTML markup
- Tweak: Register popup: All passwords appear as asterixs now
- Optimized: Overall page speed
- Optimized: Portfolio sortable code
- Fixed: Portfolio sortable not working properly when multiple categories were selected for a portfolio item
- Fixed: Ios Slider not working properly when using only one slide
- Fixed: Circular content slider – style 2 not working properly
3.0 (08.20.2013)#
- Added: Option for pages to display the page builder elements next to the sidebar. You can find this option inside the page edit screen.
- Optimized: Alt tags for images. you can now select an alt and title for various page builder elements and portfolio items
- Optimized: Overall theme performance
- Optimized: Moved all page builder elements into their own file. It is now easier to override the page builder elements from a child theme
- Optimized: Portfolio category performance
- Optimized: Portfolio Carousel performance
- Optimized: Photo Gallery page builder element
- Fixed: WPML logo link Fixed: Multisite logo link problem Optimized: Portfolio section for performance and SEO
- Fixed: Page builder elements not working properly on the WooCommerce pages
- Fixed: Sortable portfolio not working properly when categories name were using special characters
- Fixed: Various small css fixes
- Updated: Revolution Slider plugin
2.5 (06.25.2013)#
- Added: New page builder element: STATIC CONTENT – MAPS MULTIPLE LOCATIONS . Using this element you can create a map with multiple locations.
- Added: Dailymotion video support
- Added: Full support for page builder in single product pages
- Tweak: Increased various plugins compatibility
- Fixed: Twitter Widget
- Fixed: IE 10 problems after IE last update.
- Updated: Revolution Slider plugin
2.4 (06.12.2013)#
- Added: Option for the photo gallery page builder element to choose the number of columns to display images
- Added: WooCommerce option to hide the descriptin in category view and related products
- Added: New single blog layout . Can be selected from Blog Options > Single Blog Item Options
- Added: New archive blog layout . Can be selected from Blog Options > Archive Options
- Added: Target option for the button shortcode
- Tweak: Increased compatibility with WordPress multisite
- Tweak: Facebook comments block layout display
- Tweak: Image Gallery thumbs size on small screens
- Tweak: “Sale” badge only shows when the product is on stock
- Tweak: WooCommerce shop title in breadcrumbs
- Tweak: Updated Preety photo plugin to the latest version in order to increase compatibility with various wordpress plugins
- Tweak: Prepared theme for WordPress 3.6
- Tweak: Increased teme compatibility with various plugins
- Fixed: HTML code displaying in page when the title of the image box was using HTML code.
- Fixed: Ios Slider captions not displaying properly when big image sizes were used
- Fixed: Gravity forms compatibility problems
- Fixed: Contact form 7 Autoresponder plugin compatibility problems
- Fixed: Portfolio Subcategory breadcrumb problem
- Fixed: Page title displays the title of the first item in category
- Fixed: Contact form not working in FR language
2.3 (05.09.2013)#
- Added: Permalinks options for Portfolio
- Added: Permalinks options for Documentation
- Added: Option for WooCommerce to make the shop a catalog one. By enabling this feature, all the purchase buttons will be removed
- Added: Option to link iOS slider images
- Added: Page builder elements now work on single shop item page
- Added: Page builder elements now work on shop archive page
- Added: Options to choose the desired width and height of the shop images on archive pages.
- Tweak: WooCommerce page builder elements display when moving the WP-Content folder
- Tweak: Responsive style for iOS
- Tweak: Moved WooCommerce theme related options to a new submenu
- Fixed: Responsive display of Historic Page builder element
- Fixed: Logo display on iPhone when the contain logo option was active
- Fixed: Steps box display on IE10
- Fixed: Google font subset not working properly
- Fixed: Laptop slider autoslide
- Fixed: Main color not applying on the login buttons in modal
- Fixed: Responsive display of coming soon page
- Fixed: Horizontal tabs not working properly when multiple elements were used on the same page
2.2 (04.29.2013)#
- Added: New option for increasing the site loading speed in the Advanced panel.By enabling the “Enable Menu Caching ?” option your site speed should grately improve.
- Added: Option for the iOS slider to choose the slider height
- Added: Additional options for the default header style
- Added: Confirmation box for installing the Dummy Data
- Tweak: Redirect page for the login.
- Tweak: WPML language chooser displays the native language now
- Tweak: The slider navigations will not be shown when having only one image in the iOS slider.
- Fixed: Facebook Open Graph title
- Fixed: Columns layout shortcode
- Fixed: Sidebar layout on Blog pages
- Fixed: Team box layout when using 960px layout
- Fixed: PreetyPhoto not showing corectly in IE10
- Fixed: Circular Content being responsive even with the responsive options off
- Fixed: Product Loupe image dimension in 960px layout
- Fixed: Portfolio not working when creating a page with the “portfolio” slug
- Fixed: Additional plugins doesn’t install from child theme
- Fixed: Header animation for 404 page.
2.1 (04.23.2013)#
- Fixed Unlimited headers and Unlimited sidebars in Admin options.
2.0 (04.22.2013)#
- The theme is now faster than “Twenty Twelve” default theme. Please find bellow all the files modified http://pastie.org/7697193
- Fixed Portfolio slug.
1.9 (04.18.2013)#
- Added new Static header element for displaying a text and video
- Added responsive features for the register modals
- Added a timeout option for the iOS slider
- Added page title compatibility with Yoast plugin
- Added missing words to translation files
- Tweak the non-responsive features of the theme
- Fixed Google Fonts subsets
- Fixed issues when multiple partners logos were displayed on a page
- Fixed image resizing not working when the wp-content folder was moved
- Resolved the Contact form not sending all texts when punctuations were used in field names
- Removed all extra text domains from language files
1.8 (04.06.2013)#
- Added: Option to link portfolio images directly to portfolio items
- Added: Option to configure the typography options for the main menu
- Added: Option to show subheader after the main header
- Added: New page builder element “Action box text”
- Added: General options to configure the Google web fonts used troughout the theme
- Added: Missing words to translation functions
- Added: Option to hide the search button in header
- Added: Option to show footer widgets rows or not
- Resolved: Contact form not sending all content
- Resolved: Favicon not showing in IE9
- Resolved: Various visual issues in IE8
- Resolved: Theme options not saving on several web hostings
- Resolved: Several display issues when using Russian text
- Resolved: Ios Slider conflict with latest posts
- Resolved: Various small fixes
1.7 (03.28.2013)#
- Added: New page builder element to display a sidebar position
- Added: A “Documentation” custom post type system
- Added: Color options for various texts
- Added: Option to select the typography for various texts
- Added: Missing words to translation function
- Added: The buttons shortcode now accepts a link url
- Added: A new option for Google fonts to select the font subset
- Added: Added styles for Woocommerce subcategories
- Added: Description for the content and sidebar page builder element
- Added: When creating a new account, you can set up your password directly rather than WordPress generating a random password
- Rewritten some of the header login system in order to make the login system more compatible with various plugins
- The theme is now 100% WordPress multisite/network compatible
- Fixed: Bug on contact form not sending all the fields when the field names contains spaces
- Fixed: Problem when setting the footer rows to contain only one sidebar position
- Fixed: You can now use as many Recent Works elements on the same page as you want
- Fixed: Problem when having multiple verical tabs on the same page
- Fixed: Cart over the search button when using header style 1/4
- Fixed: Problem when not adding a link to the iCarousel items
- Fixed: Strange characters when using cyrilic fonts
- Fixed: Limited offers responsive display
- Fixed: Error message on coming soon page when using various plugins
- Fixed: Image box link when no url was set in the options
- Fixed: Bottom mask style on dark style
- Fixed: Error displayed when no image was inserted in a post
1.6 (03.21.2013)#
- Added a new Blog Layout based on Columns
- Added option to choose the colors for the top navigation links
- Added option to use the first attached image from inside a post on blog Archive and categories pages
- Added header date to translation functions
- Added additional options for map element for dragging and mouse zooming
- Added the “All” word to the translation functions
- Added windows phone compatibility
- Customized the product search box from WooCommerce
- Further optimized the page loading speed/score
- Further optized WooCommerce compatibility for product variations
- Fixed Google fonts for SSL enabled hosts
- The unlimited sidebars names are used instead of default name
- The unlimited headers names are used instead of default name
- Fixed limited offers “division by zero error” and also reduce price calculation
- Fixed header background image in IE8
- Fixed Contact form not working in IE
- Fixed Spelling error in admin panel
- Fixed map type selector
1.5 (03.14.2013)#
- Added Page builder to posts si portfolio
- Added more google web fonts
- Linked the product images together
- Added option to change the content color / add image
- Added option to change the grey area color / add image
- Added option to globally disable page comments
- Added missing translation strings
- Extended WooCommerce compatibility for images in single product page
- Tweaked the position of logo on coming soon page
- Made error message friendlier
- Fixed Laptop Slider navigation buttons not appearing
- Fixed logo dimension on coming soon page
- Fixed social icons overlapping issue on Safari
- Fixed social icon that appeared even if no one was selected
- Fixed page header default style in Unlimited headers
- Fixed Skills shortcode not appearing correctly
- Fixed Sortable portfolio multiple item categories bug
- Fixed product variation modal image
1.4 (03.08.2013)#
- Added ability to customize the blog page with page builder element
- Extented the compatibility with Woocommerce 2.02
- Added option for logo to be contained in header
- Additional style fixes
- Fixed compatibility between latest Cute Slider verion and theme
- Fixed Logo size on Coming Soon page
1.3 (03.05.2013)#
- Firefox problems with items dissapearing
- Sidebar layout issue and overall page layout issues for shop
- Woocommerce 2.0 full compatibility
- Minor css fixes.
1.2 (03.04.2013)#
- Added new responsive menu style
- Improved child theme support
- Improved image resizing function
- Improved countdown timer on IE and safari
- Fixed left sidebar displaying on right side
- The page builder elements are now sorted alphabetically
1.1.1 (02.27.2013)#
- Added shortcode support for vertical and horizontal tabs
- Added option to select boxed or full layout for homepage
- Added option to select the default color for menu links
- Added option to remove the logo
- Added option to remove the footer
- Added child theme in package
- Updated Revolution slider to latest version
- Updated Cute 3D slider to latest version
1.1 (02.26.2013)#
- Integrated Envato Toolkit – From now on you can update the theme from inside the admin panel
- Added option to select a background image/color for header
- Added option to select a background image/color for footer
- Added option to use a boxed layout
- Added option to upload a background image/color if boxed layour is selected
- Added top header menu
- Added top header social icons options
- Added Custom CSS box inside the admin panel
- Added option to select the footer border color
1.0 (02.23.2013)#
- Initial release