Installing by importing using ftp or a control panel

This method will work for any server that has either an FTP account set up or another method of copying files to server. For example, if you have SSH (Secure Shell) access, you can choose to use FTP, SFTP, SSL-FTP, or SCP (among other options) to transfer your files from your personal computer to your web server. If you are using a control panel, such as cPanel or DirectAdmin, you can use it to conveniently upload the file to server.

You must upload the file (after extracting the content from the zipped file to your Desktop) into wp-content/themes location. Once you have done so, you will need to extract the contents of the zip file into wp-content/themes. Assuming you have done this correctly, a new directory will be made in this parent directory named like the theme name. You can now delete the zip file if you think it necessary to save space.

Now, go to your WordPress administration panel ( and go to WordPress Menu > Appearance > Themes. You will need to be logged in as the administrator to see this menu. In default installations, the administrator username is “admin”. You may have modified this during the WordPress installation. If you do not know your administrator password, you may need to check your MySQL database or (in some cases) with your web hosting provider.

You should see the Theme in your non-active theme list. If you do not, you may have uploaded and extracted the contents of the zip file incorrectly. You will then need to go back and retake the steps.

kallyas install themes

To activate the theme, simply click Activate at the bottom of the theme description. Now the theme becomes active and you can start using our magnificent theme.

kallyas activate