Folder structure

Template folder structure:

+-- app/
|   +-- css/
|   |    +-- scss/
|   |    +-- source-maps/
|   |    +-- template.css // compiled from scss
|   |    +-- ...
|   +-- fonts/
|   +-- images/
|   +-- js/
|   |    +-- src/
|   |   |    +-- plugins/
|   |   |   |    +-- eg: bootstrap.js
|   |   |   |    +-- ... 
|   +-- vendors/
|   |    +-- Magnific-Popup/ 
|   |    +-- parallax-js/ 
|   |    +-- rellax-master/ 
|   |    +-- slick/ 
|   |    +-- smooth_scroll/ 
|   +-- index.html
|   +-- form.php
+-- gulpfile.js
+-- package.json

Vendors folder

This folder contains various modules used by Kyma template:


Folder: app/vendors/Magnific-Popup

This plugin is used for images and video popup:


Folder: app/vendors/parallax-js

This plugin reacts to the orientation of a smart device. Where no gyroscope or motion detection hardware is available, the position of the cursor is used instead.

It was used to accomplish the slider elements effect:


Folder: app/vendors/rellax-master

This plugin is used to create animations for some elements when the page is scrolled.

The images parallax effect from overview section were built with this plugin.


Slick slider

Folder: app/vendors/slick

This plugin is used to create responsive sliders inside your website.


Smooth scroll

Folder app/vendors/smooth_scroll, this plugin performs a smooth scroll effect on your template.

You can find more about these components in